Way back when the Summer was still new and excitement was still high in the McHugh household for our holidays I got a call from my Doctor's "Hello Mrs McHugh, you are entitled to a free health check, shall I make an appointment for you" So off I went and when the results came back apparently the health check told me that I wasn't healthy. Next step, the Nurse to tell me all about healthy eating and exercise. Although I am active that is not enough, it seems for exercise you have to actually increase the rate of breathing.
So exercise was my aim but what should I do? I couldn't see me going to a gym or going to classes, spare time is not plentiful. Walking briskly to work 3 days a week was poo-poo'd by the Nurse so what did that leave?
I am happy walking anywhere but should I up the speed and dare I say it run. It costs nothing and around here we have quite a few paths where I could go and run unseen but I'm not a runner. From school onwards I've never been able to run. When the Great North Run started many moons ago I tried the training plan but never got further than the first week - walking for 20 minutes.
I did a bit of research and decided to do the NHS Couch to 5K plan. (If you feel inspired here is the link NHS couch to 5K) Decision made, cue several excuses why it couldn't be started that week and the following weeks.
Then on Facebook I saw an advert for the RNIB Glow Run and finally I had something to aim for.
My Dad, who died at the ripe old age of 93, had age-related macular degeneration and there was nothing that could be done for him. Slowly his sight deteriorated and he always thought if he could only see clearly than he could cope with everything else. Losing his sight didn't kill him but it certainly stopped him from enjoying his life. Doing this run will raise money for further research and hopefully prevent others from losing their sight.
My target is to be able to run 3K and raise money in memory of my Dad, who I'm sure will be watching me and cheering me on. I've persuaded my daughter to come along as well so we'll keep each other going on the night.
Do I need that encouragement - oh yes! For the last 6 weeks I have followed the plan. Starting with jog for 60 seconds and walk for 90 seconds for 20 minutes.
Many thoughts go through my head when running:
- why when I am putting my heart and soul into this is time standing still? I'm not allowed to so why should time.
- why is the walking bit so much shorter? (for some reason time speeds up when walking, it's a fact)
- why have I never noticed that this road goes up hill?
Every other day Laura (my podcast best friend) and I go out and slowly the running times have accumulated.
Until week 5 run 3 when Laura casually tells me today we (really) will run for 20 minutes with no breaks. Did I do it......YES.
It wasn't easy and when Laura tells me "If you find it difficult slow down but don't stop" My conversation with her goes like this "If I go any slower I'll stop, so tough" but I kept going. Before this long run I had watched the Great North Run and Mo Farrah doing his famous kick for the final few yards. When Laura told me I had 60 seconds left I decided to do a Mo Farrah kick and speed up.
Finally 20 minutes was over I've done it and felt proud of my achievement. The bad news I have to do it again, several times but I'm told it will get easier. But you know, I still don't like running but the Voyage Award is making me stick with the plan and I will get fitter.
Bring on the 30th October and the Glow Run. In the meantime I need to do a bit more running, but not today as it's raining!
If you want to sponser me follow this link https://www.justgiving.com/joanna-McHugh/ and thank you